Registration of a Car in the Czech Republic
There seems to be a lot of rumors among expats on the necessity to register a car brought to the Czech Republic and getting Czech number plates.
Let us therefore clarify the correct and legal requirements for the registration of cars in the Czech Republic.
Czech law states that everyone who operates any means of transport in the Czech Republic must register these vehicles with the appropriate authorities. The only exception to this are persons whose stay in the Czech Republic is no longer than 185 days per calendar year.
An unregistered vehicle can result in problems if you are involved in a car accident. When dealing with insurance you could have problems with coverage for repairs, even if you can get your unregistered vehicle repaired. You will not be able to charge your company for business trips with your non-registered private car;you may not legally lend your car to a resident of the Czech Republic, . You can also be fined for late registration or for not registering the car at all. Finally, driving with foreign plates attract the attention of local police and result in more frequent police checks.
Cross-border workers (employed or self-employed):
If you use your own car to commute regularly from the country where you live to the country where you work, you have to register it and pay the relevant taxes in the country where you live – but not in the country where you work.
If you drive a company car (registered in the country where you work), you may use it for private purposes in the country where you live without having to register it there. You would then be driving with foreign plates in the country where you live.
The processes and documentation related to registering your vehicle differs depending on whether it has been imported from the EU, from outside the EU and for brand new cars. CheckPoint Relocations will be happy to guide you through the requirements.
We highly recommend checking with the transport authorities in your origin country – from where you will deregister the car. The Czech authorities require the ORIGINAL of your current technical card. They will keep the original technical card and will give you a new Czech technical card (a car simply cannot have two technical cards).
Deregistration is necessary for you not to be liable for payment of road tax, liability insurance and any other taxes applicable in your country
CheckPoint Relocations is ready to help make your car registration process as smooth as possible. Our service includes assistance with the technical requirements, insurance, documentation and dealing with the authorities on your behalf wherever possible.